I tend to do a lot of bird watching, so here is where I will be giving updates on my bird watching adventures/escepades


This morning, I woke up at around 5:45 am. From outside I heard... hoo hoo hoo hoo..hoo.. so I lept up and grabbed two coats, a hat, and my binoculars, and booked it outside. The sun was just beginnng to rise, so I could make out some shapes. But I saw no owl. I knew where it was from where the sounds were coming from but this huge beast sat in the shadows, unseen. Until! A shadow passed through the trees, silently gliding across the sky, landing in another shadowy-blob of trees. I never did see where it landed, but I am pretty sure it flew across my field of view.

The story doesn't end there though. At 4 pm I decided to do a little more bird watching! Why not grab a few glances before the sun goes down? To my surprise, who should I hear again but Mr. "hoo hoo hoo hoo.. hoo.." himself! It was definitley going to be light enough to see him this time! I again grabbed some gear (including my galoshes because I would need to trek into the woods) and went galavanting off to find him. But of course, he gave one last little hoot performance... and then went silent. I stood out there for about 15 minutes scanning the trees, but there was nothing. Foiled again! :( maybe I will see him next year.